2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Quantum information and quantum technology have received much of attention in both theoretical and experimental manners. There have been invented many experimental platforms for the implementation of quantum information technology, superconducting qubits, quantum dots, NV centers in diamond, atom gas in photonic crystals, and more. Yet, trapped atomic ions are widely regarded as one of the most advanced architecture, given the extreme isolation of trapped ions from their environment, with strong interactions available between ions through their Coulomb repulsion. Considerable theoretical efforts have been made to counter the decoherence effects. Techniques, such as dynamical decoupling using echo-pulse sequences, and its continuous version (dressed states) using a continuously applied driving field, have been proposed and realized experimentally. In this poster are presented several projects concerning quantum information with dressed states in the trapped ion platform for the microwave based applications: multi-qubit gates, and quantum simulation of the spin-one half Ising model and the spin-one XXZ model.