Quantum thermalization dynamics with Matrix Product States

  Eyal Leviatan  ,  Jens H. Bardarson  ,  Frank Pollmann  ,  David A. Huse  ,  Ehud Altman  
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot
KTH Royal Istitue of Technology, Stockholm
Max Plack Institute for complex systems, Dresden
Technical University of Munich, Munich
Princeton University, Princton, NJ
University of California, Berkeley, CA

We study the dynamics of thermalization following a quantum quench using tensor-network methods. Contrary to the common belief that the rapid growth of entanglement and the resulting exponential growth of the bond dimension restricts simulations to short times, we demonstrate that the long time limit of local observables can be well captured using the time-dependent variational principle. This allows to extract transport coefficients such as the energy diffusion constant from simulations with rather small bond dimensions. We further study the characteristic of the chaotic wave that precedes the emergence of hydrodynamics, to find a ballistic diffusively-broadening wavefront.