Search For SuperSymmetry at the LHC in a Higgs+Photon+MissingEnergy channel

  Ofir Gabizon  
"Weizmann Institute,Department of Particle Physics"

In Supersymmetry, the supersymmetric partner of the graviton, the gravitino, can be the lightest superpartne(LSP). This is the case, for example, in gauge mediated models (GMSB). 

The NLSP in GMSB models is usually the lightest neutralino. The nature of the experimental signature is thus determined by the decay modes of the neutralino.

Until recently, the composition of the neutralino was thought to be dominated by a bino component, giving rise typically to a photon and a gravitino as the dominant decay mode.

However, it was recently realized that a simple extension of the minimal GMSB model may lead to a large higgsino component in the neutralino making decays to a Higgs and gravitino and to a photon and gravitino also important, and in any case complementary.

Here we present a study of the channel neutralino+netralino->Higgs+photon+2 gravitinos