"Shaper-less" Single-Pulse CARS Using a Resonant Photonic Crystal Filter

  Ori Katz  ,  Jonathan Levitt  ,  Eran Grinvald  ,  Yaron Silberberg  
Departement of Physics of Complex Systems, The Weizmann Institute of Science

We present a simple scheme for performing single-beam vibrational spectroscopy using a single femtosecond pulse without a pulse-shaper. High spectroscopic resolution is obtained from a broadband femtosecond pulse by shaping a narrowband probe using a tunable photonic crystal notch filter. The vibrational lines of the probed sample are resolved from the imposed narrow spectral interference features in the Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) spectrum. We experimentally demonstrate high-resolution multiplex microspectroscopy and vibrational imaging on liquid phased samples.