2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Electrowetting is a general name for mechanisms by which the apparent wetting properties of materials can be controlled by applied electric fields. Electrowetting has many applications in many fields ranging from variable optics, through electronic paper to oil production. However, electrowetting is limited by the existence of so-called contact angle saturation (CAS), which refers to the fact that wetting properties can only be changed up to a certain degree, after which increasing the applied voltage does not affect the system anymore. Many models have been proposed for this phenomena, but non have been generally accepted. The present work puts forward a new model for CAS based on a simple paradigm shift suggesting that the effect of a double-layer at the counter-electrode, previously considered negligible, is in fact responsible for CAS. Within the new framework, electrowetting is re-interpreted as driving an electrowetting system from the minimum of the capillary energy to the minimum of the electrostatic energy, by changing its geometry. Once the electrostatic minimum is reached, further increase of the applied voltage does not further affect the system's geometry, yeilding CAS. As part of the derivation, the existing Young-Lippmann framework is shown to be an approximation of the proposed framework. Methods for calculating the expected saturation angle and saturation voltage are provided for both DC and AC cases, as well as numerical examples that qualitatively reproduce experimental results. A few predictions of the model are presented including the possible existence of a regime of reversed electrowetting, which is in complete defiance of the existing models.