Spin-Droplet State of an Interacting 2D Electron System

  N. Teneh [1]  ,  A. Yu. Kuntsevich [2]  ,  V. M. Pudalov [2,3]  ,  M. Reznikov [1]  
[1] Solid state institute, Technion, Haifa, 32000 Israel
[2] Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, 119991 Russia
[3] Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, 141700, Russia

We report thermodynamic magnetization measurements of two-dimensional electrons in several high mobility Si-MOSFETs. We provide evidence for an easily polarizable electron state in a wide density range from insulating to deep into metallic phase. Temperature and magnetic field dependence of the magnetization is consistent with formation of large-spin droplets in the insulating phase. These droplets melt in the metallic phase with increasing density and temperature, though survive up to large densities.