2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Without short range interaction, the Pauli exclusion principle causes the majority nucleons in an asymmetric nucleus (usually neutrons) to have higher average momentum than the minority. High-energy electron scattering measurements showed that the short range interaction between the nucleons mainly form correlated high momentum neutron-proton pairs in the nucleus. Thus, in neutron-rich nuclei, protons have greater probability than neutrons to have momentum larger than the Fermi momentum. The question is, if it may even results in protons having higher average momentum than neutrons and by that creating an inversion of the momentum sharing between majority and minority nucleons.
In order to check that hypothesis, we want to extract and compute the ratio of A(e,e'n)low-Pmiss/A(e,e'n)high-Pmiss, and A(e,e'p)low-Pmiss/A(e,e'p)high-Pmiss for all nuclei.
A brief description of the analysis that is being done will be given, focusing on identifying A(e,e'n)
events in the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory.