Thermal inkjet heaters experimental parameters and micro-boiling limits

  Moshe Einat   ,  Meir Grajower   
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel University Center of Samaria


Thermal inkjet printers are based on micro boiling that occurs when a micro heater covered by liquid is operated with microseconds pulse. As a result of the high heat flux, a vapor bubble is built up above the heater casing pressure-upraise in a small chamber around it. Consequently, a small ink drop of few dozens of pico-liter is ejected. This phenomenon is used for inkjet printing as well as micro-pumps and other applications. In this experimental study the bubbles are traced and photographed. The evolution of the bubbles is shown from the first nucleation, through maximal volume bubble, until the final collapsing of the bubble, together with parametric measurements. At the end of the heater lifetime, the heater cracking process is shown frame after frame, supported with simulations.