2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
For more than 20 years, the interaction of thermal light with matter has been in the focus of experimental and theoretical research aimed at understanding sunlight-induced photochemistry in photosynthetic systems and, in particular, its coherence properties. In order to achieve a better characterization of thermal light induced material dynamics, we examine the interaction of thermal light with matter with emphasis on two aspects that have not considered before. 1) By employing a fully quantized Jaynes-Cummings-type interaction model on a V-type three-level system, we show that multi-mode thermal light induces coherence in the excited material states. We also show that in some ratios of the detuning and the interaction constant, the thermal light induces dynamics with a 'coherent-like' structure rather than the familiar 'chaotic' one. 2) We extend the Jaynes-Cummings model to a two-state Born-Oppenheimer potential energy surface molecular system, where the internal vibrational degrees of freedom are fully taken into account, and show that single-mode thermal light induces extensive vibrational coherence in the molecular excited state. This coherence is manifested by wavepacket-like dynamics in the coordinate-space representation. These results call for reconsidering some of the previous conclusions reached in the context of thermal light induced material coherence.