Thermodynamic magnetization of a strongly interacting two-dimensional system

  N. Teneh [1]  ,  A. Yu. Kuntsevich [2]  ,  M. Reznikov [1]  ,  V.M. Pudalov [2]  ,  T.M. Klapwijk [3]  
[1] Solid state institute, Technion, Haifa, 3200 Israel
[2] Lebedev Physical Institue, 119991 Moscow, Russia
[3] Delft University of Technology, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands

We report thermodynamic magnetization measurements of a 2-dimensional electron gas for several high mobility Si-MOSFETs. The low-temperature
magnetization is shown to be strongly sub-linear function of the magnetic field. The susceptibility determined from the zero-field
slope diverges as 1/T^{\alpha}, with \alpha=2.2-2.6 even at high electron densities, in apparent contradiction with the Fermi-liquid