2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Sharp interfaces can host phenomena that are absent in their constituting materials. By depositing a thin layer of LaAlO3 on top of SrTiO3, a highly conducting interface between these two band-insulators appears. Conductivity emerges only for TiO2 termination and above a critical LaAlO3 thickness of 4 unit cells, pointing to the importance of the polar structure. The transition, from insulating to high mobility electron gas, can be controlled continuously by gate voltage, thus enabling a careful study of the dependence of the system properties on it's charge density. Carrier-controlled two-dimensional superconductivity, and magnetic hysteresis were observed between the two non-magnetic oxides.
We have found anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) in our samples, an outcome of magnetic scattering, which affect the transport through the spin orbit (SO) interaction, and coexists with superconductivity. Gate bias enables tuning of the SO energy, which dominates the magnetotransport properties. The exceptionally large amplitude and sign of the AMR suggests a Rashba-type SO coupling. The different AMR characteristics for Nb doped SrTiO3, a symmetric non-polar system with similar resistivity and carrier density, demonstrates the significant role of interface polarity for its magnetic properties.