2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Interface between strongly correlated electron materials can be very different from their constituents. At the SrTiO3/LaAlO3 interface a conducting
and superconducting ground states are formed between two insulating single crystals, and a strong anisotropy of the magneto-transport is observed [1]. Moreover, applying electric field enables a full control of the ground state.
We report extensive transport measurements as a function of gate voltage, magnetic field and sample orientation relative to the magnetic field at 20mK.
From the length scales deduced from the superconducting parameters we can set an upper limit for the thickness of the charge confinement. In addition from these length scales we can find the effective mass to be 4 times larger than the bare electron mass.
The upper critical field for a field applied parallel to the interface, rapidly departs from the (weak coupling) Pauli limit for high carrier concentrations, suggesting fast increase of spin-orbit coupling. Finally, we identify an energy scale related to spin scattering, which is maximal for maximum Tc. We discuss our data in terms of spin scattering with strong spin-orbit interaction.
[1] M. Ben Shalom et al. [Phys. Rev. B 80, 140406, 2009]