2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Disordered thin films close to the superconducting-insulating phase transition (SIT) hold the key to understanding quantum phase transitions in strongly correlated materials. The SIT is governed by superconducting quantum fluctuations, which can be revealed for example by tunneling measurements. These experiments detect a spectral gap which is accompanied by suppressed coherence peaks that do not fit the standard mean-field BCS prediction. To explain this observation, we considered the effect of finite-range superconducting fluctuations on the density-of-states, focusing on the insulating side of the SIT. We performed a controlled diagrammatic resummation and derived analytic expressions for the tunneling differential conductance. We find that short-range superconducting fluctuations suppress the coherence peaks, even in the presence of long-range correlations, and thus strongly effect the sample’s density-of-states. Our novel approach accounts also for tunneling spectra with suppressed coherence peaks observed, for example, in the pseudo gap regime of high-temperature superconductors, and is widely applicable to other strongly correlated electronic systems.