2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of relativistic models with O(N) symmetry results in the emergence of two elementary excitations: the Goldstone modes and the Higgs mode. The massive Higss mode can decay into pairs of Goldstone modes, broadening the spectral line and hence questioning its visibility. Recently a set of scalar response functions was introduced, in which the Higgs mode appears as a well defined peak. We investigate the universal properties of the scalar susceptibility near the quantum critical point in 2+1 dimensions for N=2 and N=3 using Monte Carlo simulation. We demonstrate that the scalar spectral function contains a peak associated with the Higgs mode, which remains well-defined even upon approach to the critical point. We extract properties that characterize the Higgs peak, including the fidelity of the peak and the ratio ωH/Δ between the Higgs energy on the ordered side and the single particle gap on the disordered side. The universal nature of these results make them relevant to a broad range of experiments in condensed matter and atomic systems.