Water Revisited – Unifying a Myriad of Beliefs

  Paul Ben Ishai [1,4]  ,  Eugene Mamontov [2]  ,  Alexei Sokolov [2,3]  ,  Jon Nickels [2,3]  ,  Kodo Kawase [4]  ,  Yuri Feldman [1]  
[1] Department of Applied Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
[2] Chemical and Engineering Materials Division, Neutron Sciences Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
[3] Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Tennessee
[4] EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University

Diverse communities have diverse views on what constitute the true behavior of water.  When considering the THz behavior of water it is common to consider the behavior as a superposition of fundamental Debye relaxations. Yet the view held by many in the Soft Condensed Matter community is that water is a glass former and that a simple Debye laws will not adequately describe its dynamic behavior.  This is partly because the role of the cluster structure,  reorientation and its relationship to the H-bond network has not been fully explored up to the higher frequencies.  Beyond the implications for the basic understanding of water, the answer to this puzzel will aid applications such as drug design and others.

We attempt to marry THz spectroscopy and traditional dielectric spectroscopy to provide a complete picture of the dynamics of water and also of aqueous salt solutions, in the frequency range covering  all reorientation and transport phenomena.  Additional microscopic information is gained from neutron scattering. Consequently we hope to span two sometimes opposing world views and lead to a unified discussion on what water really does in the higher frequency spectrum of THz.  The talk will present dielectric measurements carried out in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and THz results measured in the University of Nagoya. The microscopic picture will be further probed by considering Neutron Scattering on aqueous salt solutions, carried out in Oak Ridge National Laboratory.