Statistical Mechanics-1

Chair Information
David Mukamel
Sprinzak 217
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14:15-14:28 Yariv Kafri Energy fluctuations in driven, thermalizing and driven dissipative systems
The talk will consider energy fluctuations of systems in three different settings (i) An
14:28-14:40 Doron Cohen Fluctuation dissipation phenomenology away from equilibrium
The fluctuation dissipation phenomenology, in essence, is a relation $A=D/T$ that connects the rate of energy absorption...
14:40-14:53 Nadav Shnerb Fluctuation scaling in complex systems
Spatio-temporal analysis of fluctuations may reveal a lot of information about a complex system.
14:53-15:06 Ori Hirschberg [1] Emergent motion of condensates in mass transport models
Condensation phenomena, in which a finite fraction of the "mass" in a macroscopic system is concentrated in a microscopi...
15:06-15:19 Nava Leibovich Single File Diffusion and the Role of Initial Conditions
Single-file diffusion refers to the motion particles in unidimensional systems. Since the particles cannot pass each oth...
15:19-15:32 Shlomit Weissman Coexistence in an inhomogeneous Environment
Dispersal plays an essential role in population dynamics.
15:32-15:45 Shmuel M. Rubinstein [1] Bacterial Biofilms: Bugs Can See the Big Picture
Many bacteria are able to organize themselves into structurally complex communities known as biofilms.