2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Lecture Time | Speaker | Lecture subject |
Ori Hirschberg [1] |
Condensation patterns in a zero-range process under extreme current conditions How does an extremely rare event unfold in a stochastic many-body system? |
Amir Bar |
Mixed order phase transitions in one dimension Continuous phase transitions, in which the order parameter changes continuously at the transition, exhibit universal fea... |
Itai Pinkoviezky |
Traffic Jams and Shocks of Molecular Motors inside Cellular Protrusions Molecular motors are involved in key transport processes insideactin-based cellular protrusions. The motors carry cargo... |
Amir Bashan |
The effects of spatially embedding on the stability of interdependent networks Recent studies show that in interdependent networks a very small failure in one network may lead to catastrophic consequ... |
Yoav G. Pollack |
A cooler view of the glass transition: the static lengthscale “near Tg” The search for a static lengthscale accompanying the dramatic slowing down of dynamics at the glass transition for decre... |
15:00 | Yair Shokef |
Jamming Percolation in Three Dimensions We introduce a three-dimensional model for jamming and glasses, and prove that the fraction of frozen particles is disco... |
Daniel Hurowitz |
Non-equilibrium steady state and induced currents of a mesoscopically-glassy system: interplay of resistor-network theory and Sinai physics We introduce an explicit solution for the non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) of a ring that is coupled to a thermal b |
Adi Rebeshtok [1] |
Infinite densities for strong anomalous diusion: beyond the central limit theorem We find infinite densities, which describe strong anomalous diffusion where <|x(t)|q>~tq ν(q) with a nonlinear spe... |