Statistical Physics

Chair Information
Ofer Biham
Chairman details: 
The Hebrew University
Physics Room A (11)
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
Ori Hirschberg [1] Condensation patterns in a zero-range process under extreme current conditions
How does an extremely rare event unfold in a stochastic many-body system?
Amir Bar Mixed order phase transitions in one dimension
Continuous phase transitions, in which the order parameter changes continuously at the transition, exhibit universal fea...
Itai Pinkoviezky Traffic Jams and Shocks of Molecular Motors inside Cellular Protrusions
Molecular motors are involved in key transport processes insideactin-based cellular protrusions. The motors carry cargo...
Amir Bashan The effects of spatially embedding on the stability of interdependent networks
Recent studies show that in interdependent networks a very small failure in one network may lead to catastrophic consequ...
Yoav G. Pollack A cooler view of the glass transition: the static lengthscale “near Tg”
The search for a static lengthscale accompanying the dramatic slowing down of dynamics at the glass transition for decre...
15:00 Yair Shokef Jamming Percolation in Three Dimensions
We introduce a three-dimensional model for jamming and glasses, and prove that the fraction of frozen particles is disco...
Daniel Hurowitz Non-equilibrium steady state and induced currents of a mesoscopically-glassy system: interplay of resistor-network theory and Sinai physics
We introduce an explicit solution for the non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) of a ring that is coupled to a thermal b
Adi Rebeshtok [1] Infinite densities for strong anomalous di usion: beyond the central limit theorem
We find infinite densities, which describe strong anomalous diffusion where <|x(t)|q>~tq ν(q) with a nonlinear spe...