Lasers and ultrafast physics

Chair Information
Avi Pe'er
Room A (Feinberg)
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
16:00-16:15 Shaked Rozen Controlling sub-cycle instantaneous optical chirality in the photoionization of chiral molecules
Controlling the polarization state of electromagnetic radiation enables the investigation of fundamental symmetry proper...
16:15-16:30 Ofer Neufeld Ultrafast detection of chirality and ring-currents through high harmonic spectroscopy
Chirality is a ubiquitous fundamental property which is standardly analyzed by chiroptical techniques.
16:30-16:45 Dina Rosenberg Intrinsic Calibration of Molecular Alignment Using Rotational Echoes
We suggest a method for intrinsic qunatification of the molecular degree of alignment, induced by an ultrashort laser pu...
16:45-17:00 Sutapa Ghosh Fast and High Resolution Measurement of an Arbitrary Optical Pulse with Dual Comb Spectroscopy
We demonstrate a characterisation of short optical pulses using dual comb spectroscopy where one comb is a well
17:00-17:15 NARESH KUMAR REDDY ANDRA Phase-locked laser arrays through Gaussian coupling
We present a novel phase-locking mechanism based on ‘Gaussian coupling’ in which each laser element interacts with other...
17:15-17:30 Uri Arieli Femtosecond Energy Transfer in coupled LSPRs
We present an ultra-broadband interference microscope for measuring ultrafast response of broadband femtosecond pulses.