Conference committees

The local organising committee is:


Doron Kushnir
Eran Ofek
Erez Berg
Ofer Firstenberg
Oren Raz

Poster awards committee 

Eran Sela
Michael Geller
Nadav Katz


Hadar Alper  (science/academic)
Inbal Azoulay  (logistic)
Livnat Moses

IPS Conference 2020 - Chairpersons

Session / Category / Sub-CategoriesChairperson
  -- Plenary lecture
Prof. Gilad Perez
  -- Stat. Phys and fluid, Condense matter & AMO, particle, nuclear, astrophysics
Dr. Yotam Soreq
Prof. Ady Stern
Dr. Yoav Sagi
Dr. Erez Berg
Dr. Anna Frishman
Dr. Ofer Firstenberg
Dr. Orly Gnat
  -- Cosmology, Astrophysics
Prof. Ari Laor
Dr. Orly Gnat
Dr. Adi Zitrin
Dr. Doron Kushnir
  -- Nuclear physics, High energy physics (Theory), High energy physics (experiment), High energy physics (Phenomenology)
Dr. Liron Barak
Dr. Yevgeny Kats
Dr. Shlomo Razamat
Prof. Doron Gazit
  -- Atoms and molecules, Lasers and ultrafast physics, Quantum information and technology , Photonics and quantum optics
Prof. Avi Pe'er
Dr. Ephraim Shahmoon
Prof. Itai Arad
Dr. Serge Rosenblum
Dr. Alina Karabchevsky
  -- Superconductivity and magnetism, Topological Materials
Dr. Jonathan Ruhman
Dr. Roni Ilan
Dr. David Mross
  -- Soft matter and Biophysics, Statistical physics
Dr. Guy Bunin
Prof. Avraham Be'er
Dr. Naomi Oppenheimer
  -- Non-linear physics
Dr. Hillel Aharoni
Applied Physics
  -- Applied physics
Prof. Avi Zadok
Science Education
  -- Science Education
Dr. Eran Grinvald
Dr. Avi Merzel
Materials physics
  -- Materials at the nanoscale: between a solid and a molecule, Energy materials: structure, function and applications
Dr. Eli Kraisler
Dr. Omer Yaffe