2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Presenter | Institute | Title | Submission category |
Abramov, Rita Ziv Glasser Shmuel Sternklar |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel U... | Optoelectronic chromatic dispersion in photodiodes | Applied Physics |
Abulafia, Yuval Eric Akkermans Yuval Abulafia |
Technion | Spectral behaviour of vacancies in graphene : a STM study | CondMat |
Amit, Guy Orr Levy [1] Dana Vaknin [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Loss of gene-to-gene transcriptional coordination is a general attribute of aging | StatMech |
Amit [1,3], Gal Y. Japha [2] T. Shushi [2] |
Bar-Ilan University, Ra... |
Utilizing atomic wavepacket shaping for resisting the Casimir-Polder force | AMO |
Ang, Angeleene Alina Karabchevsky |
Ben Gurion University of the Negev | Design of silicon nano-antenna on optical waveguide with deep learning-based algorithm to trap atoms | AMO |
Anouchi, Elihu Tony Yamin Amos Sharoni |
Department of Physics,... |
A Novel 3-Terminal VO2-Based Device with Internal Switch | Materials physics |
Asher, Maor Omer Yaffe |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Vibrational Anharmonicity in Organic Semiconductors | Materials physics |
Azses [1,2], Daniel Daniel Azses [1,2] Yehuda Naveh [3] |
Department of Physics,... |
Probing symmetry-protected topological states on noisy quantum computers | AMO |
Banerjee, Abhishek Abhishek Banerjee [1] Dmitry Budker [2,3] |
Department of Particle... |
Relaxion stars and how to detect them | HEP |
Bar-Haim, Chen Haim Diamant |
Tel Aviv University | Surface response of a semi-infinite polymer network | StatMech |
Berger , Jorge Jorge Berger [1] Jacob Rubinstein [2] |
Physics and Optical Eng... |
A set of models for the organ of Corti | StatMech |
Bjørlig [1], Anders V. Irina Volotsenko [1] Aviad Frydman [1] |
Department of Physics and Institute of Nanotechnology and Ad... | Current-Phase-Relation measurements of superconducting Niobium rings with a scanning SQUID microscope | CondMat |
Cohen, Adi Omer Yaffe |
Weizmann institute of science | The origin of anharmonic atomic motion in halide perovskite crystals | Materials physics |
Cohen, Dan Guy Ron |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | The HUJI Straw Tube Tracker for the MUSE Experiment | HEP |
da Silva, Luiz C. B. Efi Efrati |
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute... | Exact minimal parking garages: pitch balance of helical motifs in optimally packed lamellar structures | StatMech |
Dana, Itzhack Atanu Rajak Emanuele G. Dalla torre |
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 529000... | Characterizations of Prethermal States in Periodically Driven Many-Body Systems with Unbounded Chaotic Diffusion | NLD |
De-Leon, Hilla Francesco Pederiva |
Quantum Monte Carlo methods for few and many-body physics | HEP |
Fruchtman, Amnon Gennady Makrinich |
H.I.T. - Holon Institute of Technology | Ion mass separation by oscillating electromagnetic fields | Applied Physics |
Geva, Galor Tamir Admon Guri Achi Dror |
Tel Aviv university... |
Effective temperature tuning with random optical forces | StatMech |
Gitkind [1,2] , Adam Oren Yaakobian [1] Eilon Sherman [1] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Super-resolved imaging of RAS proteins in live melanoma cells using PALM method | StatMech |
Goldstein, Samuel Naftali Kirsh [1] Elisha Svetitsky [1] |
The Racah Institute of... |
Amplifying Quantum Signals with Kinetic Inductance Superconducting Microstrips | AMO |
Gomez, David Dr. Ayelet Lesman Prof. Yair Shokef |
Tel Aviv University, School of Mechanical Engineering | Target finding in complex narrow channels | StatMech |
Granek, Omer Omer Granek [1] Yongjoo Baek [2] |
Technion ... |
Bodies in an Interacting Active Fluid: Far-Field Influence of a Single Body and Interaction Between Two Bodies | StatMech |
Gross, Bnaya Bnaya Gross [1] Ivan Bonamassa [1] |
Bar-Ilan University, Ra... |
Critical stretching of mean–field regimes in spatial networks | StatMech |
Halifa- Levi, Raz Yacov Kantor |
Tel Aviv University | Quantum Particle in a Part of a Spherical Potential Well Confined by a Cone | StatMech |
Haluts [1], Amir Sylvia F. Garza [2] Alex L. Jordan [2] |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Dynamics on the Spider Web - Predictive Physics-Based Model for Mating Interactions in Spiders | StatMech |
Harel, Re'em Re'em Harel [1] Stanislav Burov [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Deriving the Time-Dependent Asymptotic PN Approximation | HEP |
Hatzofe, Ben Nir Kastin Chen Dubi |
Israeli atomic energy commission | Benchmarking of OpenMC on OPAL research reactor | HEP |
Hidalgo-Soria, Mario Eli Barkai |
Department of Physics, Institute of Nanotechnology and Advan... | The Hitchhiker model for Laplace diffusion processes in the cell environment | StatMech |
Ichay [1,2] , Harel Leonid Vidor [1] Hagai Eisenberg [1] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Simulating SPDC for minimization of the spectral entanglement between generated photons | AMO |
Khanonkin, Igor Ori Eyal [1] Sven Bauer [2] |
Andrew and Erna Viterbi... |
Simultaneous Resonant and Non - Resonant Tunneling Injections in Quantum Dot - Based Lasers and Amplifiers | AMO |
Kopnov, Gregory Noga Eden Shahar Fraenkel |
Tel Aviv University | Longitudinal and transverse magnetoresistance in films with tilted out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy | CondMat |
Kumar, Parveen Kyrylo Snizhko Nihal Rao |
Department of condensed matter physics, Weizmann institute o... | Weak-measurement-induced asymmetric dephasing: a topological transition | AMO |
Lachish, Uri |
Retired ... |
The Sun and the Moon a Riddle in the Sky | Astro |
Lesser, Omri Yuval Oreg |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Universal phase diagram of topological superconductors subjected to magnetic flux | CondMat |
Liokumovitch, Egor Shmuel Sternklar |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel U... | Heterodyne phase-shift-amplified interferometry with improved shot-noise-limited sensitivity and immunity to RIN | AMO |
Margulis, Baruch Julia Narevicius Ed Narevicius |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Direct Observation of a Feshbach Resonance by Coincidence Detection of Penning Ionization Products | AMO |
Maroudas-Sacks, Yonit Yonit Maroudas-Sacks [1] Liora Garion [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Topological defects in the nematic order of actin fibres as organization centres of Hydra morphogenesis | StatMech |
Menahem, Matan Omer Yaffe |
Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute o... | Anharmonicity and Symmetry Breaking in 2D Hybrid Halide Perovskites | Materials physics |
Merrigan, Carl Yair Shokef Cristiano Nisoli |
Tel Aviv University | Spontaneously Stressed Mechanical Metamaterials | Materials physics |
Mir, Ronen Benjamin Klingman |
Schwartz/Reisman Science Education Center | The "WOW..." Effect in Physics Education: Using the Singing Tesla Tower as a teaching tool in physics class room. | Science Education |
Nabwani[1,2], Moneer A. Yahalom [1,3] Y. Pinhasi [1] |
Department of Electrica... |
Real Time Fault Detection Using the Retardation Method | Applied Physics |
Nag [1], Pranab Kumar Noam Morali [1] Rajib Batabyal [1] |
Department of Condensed... |
Spectroscopic evidence on classification of ferromagnetic Co3Sn2S2 as a magnetic Weyl semimetal | CondMat |
Ness, Gal Constantine Shkedrov Yanay Florshaim |
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | Exploring the polaronic landscape with high-sensitivity Raman spectroscopy | AMO |
Nikiforov [1,2], Daniel Bagrat Khachatryan [1,2] Nir Tessler [3] |
Physics Department, Tec... |
Effects of Spin-Pair Lifetime on Magnetic Field Effects in Organic Light Emitting Diodes | AMO |
Nir [1], Amit Roy Beck [1] Yohai Bar-Sinai [1,2] |
Raymond and Beverly Sac... |
Efficient Entropy Evaluation using Neural Network Estimator | StatMech |
Oshri [1,2], Oz Santidan Biswas [2] Anna C. Balazs [2] |
Mechanical Engineering,... |
Modeling the formation of double rolls from heterogeneously patterned gels | NLD |
Parshani, Idan Leon Bello Mallachi-Elia Meller |
Bar Ilan University | Full spatio-temporal simulation of Kerr-lens modelocking | AMO |
Patsyk, Anatoly |
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | Observation of Branched Flow of Light | AMO |
Pinkas, Meirav Ruti Ben-Shlomi Nitzan Akerman |
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel | Measuring the energy dependence of the excitation-exchange cross-section for an ultra-cold atom-ion collision | AMO |
Priel, Yoav Tal Queller Yitzhak Maron |
Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics, Weizmann In... | Plasma spectroscopy in a self collapse process | HEP |
Rabinowitz, Yossi Ariel Etinger Asher Yahalom |
Ariel University Electrical Engineering Department | Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy for Evaluating Diamond Color Grades | Materials physics |
Rahimi, Rami Yair Yifrach Rami Rahimi |
Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, B... | Recovery of kinetic energies and angular distributions of photoelectrons by spatial map imaging | AMO |
Rajput, Shailendra Asher Yahalom |
Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Ariel Unive... | Relativistic Engine: Momentum and Energy Conservations | CondMat |
Rajput, Shailendra Ayan Barbora [2] Konstantin Komoshvili [2] |
Department of Electrica... |
Scrutinize the effect of millimeter wave irradiation on Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells | StatMech |
Rajput, Shailendra Moshe Averbukh Asher Yahalom |
Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Ariel Unive... | A new concept of mechanical to electrical energy conversion employing electrostatic principle and electrochemical approach | Materials physics |
Ro, Sunghan Juyeon Yi Yong Woon Kim |
Technion ... |
The Role of Flow Symmetry and Dimensionality in Chiral Separation | StatMech |
Rousso, Mayan Tali Dotan Yosi Shacham |
Tel Aviv Youth Universi... |
Effects of electrolyte concentration and electrodes voltage on the minimal distance between 2 electrodes for nanometric-scale biosensors | Materials physics |
Sabsovich [1], Daniel Tobias Meng [2] Raquel Queiroz [3] |
Raymond and Beverly Sac... |
Pseudo-field effects in type-II Weyl semi-metals: design principles and transport probes for over-tilted Weyl cones | CondMat |
Salem , Yair Dr. Orel Bechler Prof. Barak Dayan |
Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Scienc... | The Dynamics of Cold Rubidium 87 Atoms Under an Electro-magnetic Field | AMO |
Schiller, Noam Eyal Cornfeld Erez Berg |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Signatures of Topological Superconductivity and Parafermion Zero Modes in Fractional Quantum Hall Edges | CondMat |
Segre [1], Daniel Henry Realpe [2] |
Jusidman Science Center... |
A magnetized Gadolinium surface characterized by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy | Materials physics |
Shachar, Afik |
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | A compact and cost effective laser desorption source for molecular beam generation and for spectroscopic studies | AMO |
Shani, Inbar Emanuele G. Dalla Torre Michael Stern |
Bar Ilan University... |
Proposal for Coupling Superconducting Qubits via a Squeezed Cavity | AMO |
Shoham, Lishai Maria Baskin Myung-Geun Han |
Andrew and Erna Viterbi... |
Growth of the Transparent Correlated Metal SrVO3 | Applied Physics |
Tal [1-3], Mai Shay Keren-Zur [1,3] Tal Ellenbogen [1,3] |
Department of Physical... |
THz Generation and Spectroscopy with Nonlinear Plasmonic Metasurface Antennas Excited by a Nanojoule Femtosecond Laser | Applied Physics |
Timchenko, Boris Boris Timchenko Eric Akkermans |
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology | Non-Equilibrium Radiative Heat Transfer | StatMech |
Tishby [1], Ido Ofer Biham [1] Eytan Katzav [1] |
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem... | Convergence of contracting networks towards an asymptotic maximum-entropy structure | StatMech |
Vaknin, Dana Bnaya Gross Sergey V Buldyrev |
Bar Ilan University, Ra... |
Spreading of localized attacks on spatial multiplex networks with a community structure | StatMech |
Vilk, Ohad Michael Assaf |
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,... | Extinction risk of a Metapopulation under bistable local dynamics | NLD |
Yifrach, Yair Yair Yifrach Rami Rahimi |
Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, B... | A new imaging-based method for alignment of multiple laser beams | AMO |
Yin, Ruoyu |
Bar Ilan University | Large fluctuations of the first detected quantum return time | StatMech |
Zalic, Ayelet Shahar Simon Sergei Remennik |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
FeTe(0.55)Se(0.45) van der Waals tunneling devices | CondMat |
Zhang, Chunxu Mikhail Zubkov |
Ariel University | Hall conductivity as the topological invariant in phase space in the presence of interactions and non-uniform magnetic field | CondMat |