Science Education A

Chair Information
Eran Grinvald
De- Shalit (Physics)
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14:00-14:18 Eli Shalev A New Meaningful Professional Career Track for Physics Graduates
There is a vast agreement on the importance of Science Education at the Mid- and High-School levels.
14:18-14:36 Boaz Katz How can we incorporate numerical modelling in high-school math and physics teaching?
Numerical calculations are powerfull tools that allow physical laws to be applied to common complicated situations in na...
14:36-14:54 Efraim Yehuda Weissman Teaching Quantum Physics – grades of abstractness
In this study, we offer several grades of abstractness and representation of a two-state system as part of quantum physi...
14:54-15:12 Roni Zohar[1] Embodied Pedagogy for Physics Concepts
Whereas STEM education researchers are increasingly turning their attention to the role of the body and movement in cont...
15:12-15:30 Benjamin Klingman 3D Printing: A Manufacturing Revolution in Physics Education?