The fiftieth Amos de-Shalit Memorial Lecture, Thursday, Jan 30 - Mordehai Milgrom

The fiftieth Amos de-Shalit Memorial Lecture, Thursday, Jan 30 - Mordehai Milgrom

The Faculty of Physics of the Weizmann Institute of Science

Takes pleasure in inviting you to attend

The fiftieth Amos de-Shalit Memorial lecture

to be given by

Professor Mordehai Milgrom

Weizmann Institute of Science


Scale Invariance at low accelerations as an alternative to the dark Universe

Thursday, January 30, 2020, at 11:15 at the

Weissman Auditorium

K.B.Weissman Institute of Physical Sciences


הפקולטה לפיסיקה, מכון ויצמן למדע

מתכבדת להזמינך

להרצאת הזיכרון החמישים ע"ש עמוס דה-שליט

שתינתן (באנגלית) על ידי

פרופסור מרדכי מילגרום

מכון ויצמן למדע


Scale Invariance at low accelerations as an alternative to the dark Universe

ביום חמישי, 30 בינואר 2020 , בשעה 11:15

באולם ההרצאות ע"ש וייסמן

מכון לפיסיקה ע"ש ק.ב. וייסמן

Title: Scale Invariance at low accelerations as an alternative to the dark Universe


Galactic systems and the Universe at large exhibit significant anomalies when analyzed within Newtonian dynamics and general relativity: Large discrepancies are found between the gravitational masses required by the observed dynamics, and the masses we actually observe in these systems. The mainstream explanation of these anomalies invokes the dominant and ubiquitous presence of “dark matter”. The "MOND" paradigm suggests, instead, that the discrepancies are due to breakdown of standard dynamics in the limit of low accelerations, where MOND dynamics are space-time scale invariant. MOND accounts for many detailed manifestations of the mass discrepancies with no need for dark matter. I will outline the paradigm, some of its achievements, and some remaining problems and desiderata.

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