IPS Newsletter 5 October 2014 - 12 October, 2014

IPS Newsletter 5 October 2014 - 12 October, 2014


גמר חתימה טובה


The time has come to renew the annual IPS membership,

which uncludes the registration fee for the next IPS meeting 



IPS 2014 is open for submission!


Complete information on physics seminars and events is

available in the IPS calendar



CECAM Workshop-Percolation and the Glass Transition

will be held at TAU, 19/10/2014-23/10/2014

For further information see:


I-Core Workshop-Centered on Transient science

will be held in Eilat, 20/10/2014-23/10/2014

For further information see:



ISF Research Workshop on "Non-Hemittean Random

Matrices: 50 Years After Ginibre"

will be held in Yad Hashmona, 22/10/2014-27/10/2014

For further information see:

Newsletter Items: