A9 : Material Physics

Chair Information
Chairman details: 
Ehoud Pazy (NRCN)
Eng. School
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14-14:20 Guy Makov Ab initio based multiscale modelling for materials
Materials modelling of extended defects in requires both  a detailed electronic model of matter to account f...
14:34-14:48 Eyal Yoskovitz Nanoscale Near Field Imaging of Excitons in Single Heterostructure Nanorods
Seeded grown heterostrucutred semicondcutor nanorods are novel materials with unique characteristics, composed of a sphe...
15:16-15:30 Aaron Lewis [1] Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering of Strained Silicon with Single and Multiple Probe Scanned Probe Microscopes
Raman spectroscopy is an effective tool for the identification and analysis of molecular components of complex materials...
14:48-15:02 O. Noked [1] Amorphization of La1/3NbO3 under high pressure
Structural transition is one of the most common phenomena related with increasing pressure and temperature.
14:20-14:34 Eugeny Pechenik [1] Embedded-atom type many-body models of elemental materials
Large scale modeling of condensed phases of elemental materials using atomistic molecular dynamics is necessary for stud...
15:02-15:16 O. Chen [1,2] Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy
Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) is an established m