B8 : Plasma physics

Chair Information
Chairman details: 
Amnon Fruchtman (HIT)
Eng. School
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
16:51-17:04 Dimitry Mikitchuk Implementation of a new spectroscopic approach to measure magnetic fields in dense plasmas
  We report on the implementation of a new spectroscopic approach to measure magnetic fields in plasmas that is par...
16:38 - 16:51 Yosef Pinhasi Collective effects in pulsed beam free-electron lasers operating in the Tera-Hertz regime
Intense radiation devices such as microwave tubes, free-electron lasers (FELs) and masers, utilize distributed interacti...
17:17-17:30 Asher Yahalom Aharonov - Bohm Effects in Topological Magnetohydrodynamics
It is shown that there are two inherent Aharonov - Bohm effects in Magnetohydrodynamics, in each case a magnetic flux in...
17:04-17:17 H. Strauss Wall Force produced during an ITER disruption
The ITER tokamak, like all tokamaks, can experience disruptions: large scale MHD instabilities which quench the current...
16:00 - 16:13 Amit S. Kesar Three-dimensional calculation of Smith-Purcell radiation
Smith-Purcell radiation (SPR) is emitted when a charge passes above a periodic grating.
16:13 - 16:38 Avi Gover Electron-beam noise and spontaneous emission suppression and the fundamental coherence limits of free electron radiators
This research report concerns new effects of optical wavelength scale micro-dynamics in a common coasting drifting beam...