High Energy Physics 2

Chair Information
Zohar Komargodski
Sprinzak 115
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
16:15-16:35 Cyril Closset Supersymmetry on three-manifolds
I will explain how to define field theories with rigid supersymmetry on three-dimensional curved manifolds.
16:35-16:55 Stefano Bolognesi Hololgraphic Magnetic Catalysis from Bottom-Up
We present a generic mechanism for generation of magnetic catalysis in
16:55-17:15 Iftah Galon Flavored Gauge Mediation and the Heavy Higgs
In order to accomodate a 126 GeV Higgs mass, GMSB models typically require heavy spectra, far above the LHC reach. In th...
17:15-17:35 Yotam Soreq Top B Physics at the LHC
In top-pair events where at least one of the tops decays semi-leptonically, the identification of the lepton charge all...