Quantum Information: theory and experiments

Chair Information
Benni Reznik
Sprinzak 26
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
16:15-16:35 Gershon Kurizki Frequent quantum measurements challenge ``Maxwell's-demon'' bounds
16:35-16:55 Lawrence Horwitz Spin, angular momentum and spin-statistics for a relativistic quantum many body system
The adaptation of Wigner's induced representation for a relativistic quantum theory making possible the construction of...
16:55-17:07 Oded Zilberberg [1] Null Weak Values and Quantum State Discrimination
We present a measurement protocol for discriminating between two di fferent quantum states of a qubit with high fidelit...
17:07-17:20 Anindya Das High-efficiency Cooper pair splitting demonstrated by two-particle conductance resonance and positive noise cross-correlation
Entanglement is at the heart of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, where the non-locality is a necessary ingredient.
17:20-17:32 Ran Ber Process Tomography for Systems in a Thermal State
We propose a new method for implementing process tomography which is based on the information extracted from temporal co...
17:32-17:45 Nir Navon [1] Single-Spin Addressing Using a Spatially-Varying Dressing Field
Individual-particle addressing is a necessary capability in quantum information experiments.  We propose a simple m...
17:45-17:57 Eli Megidish [1] Entangling between photons that have never coexisted
The role of the timing and order of quantum measurements is not just a fundamental question of quantum mechanics, but al...
17:57-18:10 Shimon Machluf High momentum splitting of matter-waves by an atom chip field gradient beam-splitter
The splitting of matter-waves into a superposition of spatially separated states is a fundamental tool for studying the...