"Determination of the charge radius of the proton"

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , The Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics Seminars

"Determination of the charge radius of the proton"

Dr. Savely Karshenboim

Pulkovo Observatory and the Max Plank Institute for Quantum Optics

Monday, 10 Mar, 2014 - 14:45 - 15:45

The large seminar room of the Physics building at Weizmann Institute of Science

The proton charge radius can be determined by means of spectroscopy as well as via electron-proton scattering. At present, two spectroscopic values(from ordinary and muonic hydrogen) do not agree. Meantime, the ordinary-hydrogen value is in perfect agreement with e-p scattering.

I will review the spectroscopic determinations of the electric charge radius of the proton.


Additional details of the upcoming Israeli Joint Nuclear Physics' Seminars can be found on the following linkTel Aviv University: Israel Nuclear/Hadron Physics Joint Seminar