"Gravity waves from extreme-mass-ratio plunges into Kerr black holes"

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , High Energy Theory Group Seminar

"Gravity waves from extreme-mass-ratio plunges into Kerr black holes"

Mr. Shahar Hadar

Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Wednesday, 07 May, 2014 - 12:00 - 13:00

Kaplun Building, Seminar room, 2nd floor

Massive objects orbiting a near-extreme Kerr black hole quickly plunge into the horizon after passing the innermost stable circular orbit. The plunge trajectory is related by a conformal map to a circular orbit. Conformal symmetry of the near-horizon region can then be used to analytically compute the gravitational radiation produced during the plunge phase.


Additional details of the upcoming High Energy Theory Group Meetings can be found at the following link - High Energy Theory Group meetings