2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
A binary neutron star merger is one of the main targets of the ground-based gravitational-wave laser interferometers, such as advanced LIGO, advanced Virgo, and KAGRA. The discovery of the electromagnetic counterparts of merger events will be helpful to discover the gravitational-wave signals from the merger event and to maximize the scientific outcomes. In order to investigate the expected electromagnetic signals, we compute the mass ejection at the merger using numerical-relativity simulation. Based on the results, we compute the expected electromagnetic signals from the ejecta heated by radioactive decays of heavy elements, the so-called macronova (or kilonova). I will show you these results. In addition, I will focus on the comparison of our results with the near-infrared transient associated with the short GRB 130603B.
Additional details of the upcoming Astrophysics' seminars can be found at the following link - Astrophysics Seminars