2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
The paucity of low mass galaxies in the Universe is a long-standing
problem. We recently presented a set of isolated ultra-compact high
velocity clouds (UCHVCs) identified within the dataset of the Arecibo
Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) HI line survey that are consistent with
representing low mass gas-bearing dark matter halos within the Local
Group (Adams et al. 2013). At distances of ~1 Mpc, the UCHVCs have HI
masses of ~10^5 Msun and indicative dynamical masses of ~10^7
Msun. The HI diameters of the UCHVCs range from 4' to 20', or 1 to 6
kpc at a distance of 1 Mpc. We have selected the most compact and
isolated UCHVCs with the highest average column densities as
representing the best galaxy candidates. Several of these systems have
been observed with WSRT to enable higher spatial resolution (~40-60")
studies of the HI distribution. The HI morphology revealed by the WSRT
data offers clues to the environment of the UCHVCs, and velocity
fields allow the underlying mass distribution to be constrained. I
will present initial results comparing the observed HI distribution to
theoretical models of gas in low mass dark matter halos. I will also
highlight the discovery of Leo P as a HI detection in the ALFALFA