2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Since the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 no new particle physics has been found. All the direct searches for Beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics have resulted in exclusions of their respective model's parameters space. Motivated by this fact, we develop a data driven approach for a general search for new particle physics. Aiming to generate a BSM hypothesis, we try to find regions in the phase space of the LHC observables which exhibit deviations from Standard Model (SM) expected behavior. We hypothesize that, in many scenarios, this effort can be mapped into a search for anomalies between two matrices. We list the ingredients one have to consider when implementing such a method. We demonstrate this approach utilizing the SM symmetry between electrons and muons while a LFV signal is also present. This work is just one of the first steps in this new direction.