2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Intermolecular interactions stir the outcome of atomic and molecular collisions. The details of interactions are accessible in molecular collision experiments by detection of the products` quantum state distributions and energies.
We present a new experimental approach for the state resolved investigation of ion-neutral dynamics. Our approach utilizes an autoionization process known as Penning Ionization (PI) reaction as a state preparation step of the ion neutral system with the energy of ejected electron serving as a mark for the formed quantum state. Any post-ionization energy transitions are translated to kinetic energy of the Penning ion. Therefore, the correlation between electronic and ionic energy distributions serves as a state to state mapping of the post ionization ion-neutral dynamics.
For the realization of the presented approach, we have designed and constructed a Coincidence Double Velocity Map Imaging (CDVMI) apparatus where the 2D momentum of both ions and electrons products of PI were detected, with complete mapping between images.
As a first demonstration of this new experimental capability, we have studied the PI and Associative Ionization (AI) reaction channels of the He*(3S,1S)+Ar collision. By correlation between measured VMI images of electrons and ions we were able to directly observe a Feshbach resonance arising from the coupling between a bound electronically excited HeAr+ state to the scattering electronically ground He + Ar+(3P1/2) state. The lifetime of the bound HeAr+ state was measured as well.