Emergent bosons in the fermionic two-leg flux ladder

  Marcello Calvanese Strinati  ,  Richard Berkovits  ,  Efrat Shimshoni  
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University, 52900 Ramat-Gan, Israel

We study the emergence of bosonic pairs in a system of two coupled one-dimensional fermionic chains subject to a gauge flux (two-leg flux ladder), with both attractive and repulsive interaction. In the presence of strong attractive nearest-neighbor interaction and repulsive next-to-nearest-neighbor interaction, the system crosses into a regime in which fermions form tightly bound pairs, which behave as bosonic entities. By means of numerical simulations based on the density-matrix-renormalization-group (DMRG) method, we show in particular that in the strongly paired regime, the gauge flux induces a quantum phase transition of the Ising type from a vortex density wave (VDW) to a charge density wave (CDW), characteristic of bosonic systems.