Improved phase locking of laser arrays with nonlinear coupling

  Simon Mahler   ,  Matthew Goh  ,  Chene Tradonsky   ,  Asher. A. Friesem  ,  Nir Davidson  
Weizmann Institute of Science

In this talk, I will present a new type of coupling for efficiently phase locking lasers in an array that can be helpful for solving computational problems [1]. Specifically, I will present an optical arrangement in which nonlinear coupling with a saturable absorber robustly phase lock an array of lasers, both in the spatial and temporal domains. With such nonlinear coupling, all the lasers converge to the same minimal loss state and can provide unique solution to problem with near-degenerate solution.

[1] S. Mahler, M. Goh, C. Tradonsky, A. A. Friesem and N. Davidson. “Improved phase locking of laser arrays with nonlinear coupling”, ePrint arXiv 1910.04430 (2019).