2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Quantum technologies often utilize quantum entanglement in order to gain advantage compared to classical technologies. Thus, the practical ability to detect entanglement and quantify its strength in a given system, is essential for the advancement of these technologies. In this talk, we rely on our previously established framework [1,2] to develop a new approach for detecting entanglement in mixed states. The first step in our method is based on simply measuring quantum correlations and constructing a certain correlation matrix – this, of course, is highly feasible. Moreover, this approach requires to measure a state-independent set of operators. The correlation matrix is then used for defining a family of parameters we term Correlation Minor Norms, which allow one to detect entanglement, and in many cases quantify it too. In addition, we illustrate a scheme which, we hypothesize, yields for each Correlation Minor Norm a separable state that maximizes it. This scheme involves constructing sets of "equiangular" pure states for both parties, generalizing properties of SIC-POVMs; this may be interpreted as a geometric observation regarding the nature of "the least separable" separable states. Finally, quantitative connections are made with entanglement entropy and quantum discord.
[1] A. Carmi and E. Cohen, Sci. Adv. 5, eaav8370 (2019).
[2] A. Te’eni, B. Y. Peled, E. Cohen, and A. Carmi, Phys. Rev. A 99, 040102 (2019).