2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Short Range Correlated (SRC) pairs are two close nucleons in the atomic nucleus. Most of the SRC pairs are a proton and a neutron. They have high individual and relative momentum but low common center-of-mass momentum. Low and high are in comparison with the nuclear Fermi momentum. The pairs dominates the high tail of the nucleon-momentum distribution in nuclei.
In the last decade, the experimental studies of SRC were done using high-energy and large-intensity electrons and protons beams.
We present here a new experimental approach to study SRC in \textit{inverse kinematics} using a $^{12}\rm C$ beam of 4 GeV/c/u aiming at a stationary $\rm H_2$ target. This allows a \textit{fully-exclusive} measurement including the detection and studying of the residual A-2 nuclear system after the 2N-SRC knockout. The first measurement was done during spring 2018 in the BM@N nuclotron at the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia. In this talk we will present some new preliminary results from that measurement.