2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
In recent progress in second quantization of the RNS string a crucial role is played by line integral Picture Changing Operators (PCO) which avoid the singularities associated with local PCOs.
We show how this approach can be generalized to a "democratic" theory involving vertices with arbitrary picture number following the original discussion in [1] . The usual cohomology problem in the Large Hilbert Space can then be reformulated in terms of a dual problem with a two-parameters gauge symmetry. The interactions can then be constructed by two approaches: either in a way analogous to Berkovits' picture zero NS theory [2] or in a way which reproduces the construction of [3] in the Small Hilbert Space. Whereas in the former case we lack an explicit $A_\infty$ structure (possibly recoverable by field redefinitions), so that Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization is expected to be nontrivial, in the latter the $A_\infty$ structure in the Small Hilbert Space is expected to provide a straightforward way to quantize the theory.
[1] Michael Kroyter. Superstring field theory in the democratic picture. Adv. Theor. Math. Phys.,15 (3): 741-781, 2011.
[2] Nathan Berkovits. SuperPoincare invariant superstring field theory. Nucl. Phys. B 450, 90-102, 1995.
[3] Theodore Erler, Sebastian Konopka and Ivo Sachs. Resolving Witten`s superstring field theory. JHEP, 04: 150, 2014.