Reaching per-mill level accuracy in predicting theoretically beta decay rates for beyond the standard model searches

  Ayala Glick-Magid  ,  Doron Gazit  
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

In recent years, several experimental efforts are carried out in search of beyond the standard model signatures in precision nuclear beta decay experiments. For this purpose, accurate predictions are required for the response of nuclei to interactions, characterized by symmetries beyond the known standard model probes.

 Motivated by the experimental surge, we present a general formalism for a precise calculation of beta decay observables, based on a perturbative analysis of the theoretical observables related to the phenomena, including, e.g., high order recoil and shape corrections.

In particular, we present corrections for allowed beta decays, as well as for first forbidden decays, and analyze the accuracy of the calculations. This is achieved by identifying a hierarchy of small parameters, related to the low momentum transfer characterizing beta-decays.

In addition, we will present the experimental status over the world, and some preliminary results regarding 6He beta decay high order corrections achieved by the method presented.