Spectroscopic Visualization of a Robust Electronic Response of Semiconducting Nanowires to Deposition of Superconducting Islands

  Aviram Steinbok  ,  Jonathan Reiner  ,  Abhay Kumar Nayak  ,  Amit Tulchinsky  ,  Tom Koren  ,  Noam Morali  ,  Rajib Batabyal  ,  Jung-Hyun Kang  ,  Nurit Avraham  ,  Yuval Oreg  ,  Hadas Shtrikman  ,  Haim Beidenkopf  
Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science

Following significant progress in the visualization and characterization of Majorana end modes in hybrid systems of semiconducting nanowires and superconducting islands, much attention is devoted to the investigation of the electronic structure at the buried interface between the semiconductor and the superconductor.
In this talk I will discuss our recent work where we study this buried interface by performing spectroscopic mappings of superconducting aluminum islands epitaxially grown in situ on indium arsenide nanowires.
We find unexpected robustness of the hybrid system as the direct contact with the aluminum islands does not lead to any change in the chemical potential of the nanowires, nor does it induce a significant band bending in their vicinity. The aluminum islands further display Coulomb blockade gaps and peaks that signify the formation of a resistive tunneling barrier at the InAs-Al interface.
Our observations elucidate the delicate interplay between the resistive nature of the InAs-Al interface and the ability to proximitize superconductivity and tune the chemical potential in semiconductor-superconductor hybrid nanowires.