Topological transition in weak-measurement-induced geometric phases

  Kyrylo Snizhko [1]  ,  Valentin Gebhart [2]  ,  Thomas Wellens [2]  ,  Andreas Buchleitner [2]  ,  Alessandro Romito [3]  ,  Yuval Gefen [1]  
[1] Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
[2] University of Freiburg, Germany
[3] Lancaster University, UK

The Berry phase can be induced in a quantum system not only by adiabatic evolution but also via a sequence of projective measurements (in which case it is known as the Pancharatnam phase). We explored what happens upon replacing the projective (“strong”) measurements with so-called weak measurements. It turns out that the induced phase exhibits a drastic change of behaviour as the measurement strength is changed from infinitely strong to infinitely weak. This drastic change happens at a certain critical measurement strength and is related to a change in the topology of the surface spanned by measurement-induced quantum trajectories.


[1] V. Gebhart, K. Snizhko, T. Wellens, A. Buchleitner, A. Romito, and Y. Gefen, Topological transition in measurement-induced geometric phases, arXiv:1905.01147.