2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Second circular IPS-2017
Practical information:
Opening session and onsite registration
On-site registration opening session--Churchill auditorium.
Public Transportation
08:08: Train arrival to "Hof-Ha-Carmel". There will be a shuttle from the station to the Technion at 08:15. Shuttle will wait on the sea side near the “Camel Restaurant”. There will be signs and guides to the shuttles.
If you missed the shuttles, take bus No. 11 from Terminal 16, or a taxi. Get off at the first stop in the Technion near the Churchill auditorium (Campus map).
19:15: Shuttle from Technion Churchill auditorium to Hof-Ha-Carmel train station.
Car permits to the Technion
At the Technion gates, say that you are coming to the IPS 2017 conference.
A limited number of parking spaces are reserved next to the Churchill auditorium and next to the Canada Building.
Transfer between buildings
Participants will have to walk between the Churchill auditorium and Ulman building. Please be prepared in case of rain.
Free coffee and pastries are available during coffee breaks.
12:30 and 14:00 Free lunch (Menu ).
17:15 and 18:00: Light refreshments and doughnuts at Churchill auditorium
Local computer with USB port and VGA port are available.
Poster awards
$1500 first prize
$1000 second place prizes (2 awards)
$500 third place prize (3 awards)
Ranking is by electronic votes via mobile phones. Each participant will receive a number on his tag which will allow voting on the website: https://www.myvote.io/ips2017.poster.voting. (link available in poster room)
15:00 voting ends.