2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Dear Colleague,
The 63rd annual meeting of the Israel Physical Society will take place on
Dec. 17, 2017 at the Technion Haifa.
Plenary speakers:
Giorgio Paolucci, Scientific Director of SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East), Jordan (condensed matter)
Reinhard Genzel, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (astrophysics)
Erik Verlinde, Universiteit van Amsterdam (high energy)
Review speakers:
Dirk Van Der Marel, Université de Genève (solid state)
Paul Chaikin, New York University (soft condensed matter)
Ofer Lahav, University College London (cosmology)
Dovi Poznanski, Tel Aviv University (astrophysics)
Andreas Hoecker, CERN (high energy)
Eli Piasetzky, Tel Aviv University (nuclear)
Public lecture:
Lisa Randall, Harvard University
80 students without an advisor will be sponsored by KLA-Tencor on a first come first serve basis. Details on this participation route will be sent to the relevant students directly.
Best poster award is also sponsored by KLA-Tencor. First place prize is $1500. There are two second-place prizes of $1000, and three third-place prizes of $500.
Important deadlines:
Early bird registration and abstract submission: 17/11/2017.
Regular and onsite registration: 17/12/2017.
Registration is now open here.
Abstract submission is open here.
Students and postdocs are encouraged to register and submit abstracts.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Technion.
The organizing committee: Amit Keren (chair), Ehud Behar, Amos Yarom
Administration: Israel Ben-Efraim, Avital Rosenthal (sponsors), Reuma Gal (guests), Adi Levi (website)