2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Dear Colleague,
The 62nd annual meeting of the Israel Physical Society will take place on
Dec. 25, 2016 at Tel Aviv University.
Our morning keynote speakers will be Nathan Seiberg (IAS, Princeton) and David Weitz (Harvard).
Further details about the program can be found here
This year our meeting will take a special form and will lie at the interface of Physics and Art. We will have musical interludes in the morning and evening sessions as well as an art exhibition by artist Ted Barr who will also speak in the evening session.
The evening session will be opened to the public and will host Mario Livio (STScI) as the keynote speaker (who will give a talk based on his bestselling book, "Brilliant Blunders". We strongly encourage all of the IPS members to participate in the evening session.
The registration is still open here
but the discounted period is ending on Tuesday, november 15.
Abstract submission is open here
Deadline: 30/11/2016
Looking forward to seeing you at TAU soon,
The organiizing committee.