High Energy (Experiment)

Chair Information
Liron Barak
Weissman Auditorium
Program start time: 
Program end time: 

Lectures for this program:

Lecture Time Speaker Lecture subject
14:00-14:11 (invite) Lior Arazi Breakthrough improvement in track reconstruction in the NEXT experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay in xenon-136
The search for neutrinoless double beta decay is the most promising approach to determine whether the neutrino is its ow...
14:11-14:22 Evgeny Shulga Positive ion suppression with untriggered Bi-polar grid in the magnetic field
14:22-14:33 Sanmay Ganguly Deep learning methods to improve Particle Flow reconstruction
Canonical particle flow algorithm tries to estimate neutral energy deposition
14:33-14:44 Andrea Tesi New frontiers in particle detection with liquid argon
For the first time, the successful operation of the so-called "bubble- assisted Liquid Hole-Multiplier" (LHM) in liquid...
14:44-14:55 Sourav Dey Beam-constrained vertexing for B physics at the Belle II Experiment S. Dey∗ and A. Soffer†
The Belle II experiment, which recently began collecting e+e− collision data, will extend the successful physics program...
14:55-15:06 Davide Melini Mass decorrelated taggers with adversarial neural networks
Jet substructure observables can be used to classify jets based on their radiation patterns and distinguish the signal o...
15:06-15:17 Uriel Barron MVA Methods for Tau Triggering in the Phase-I Upgrade of the ATLAS L1Calo
In the decay mode H to tau tau it is difficult to distinguish between measurements corresponding to true taus and jets...
15:17-15:28 Gilad Mizrachi Development of a Low Cost 3D Tracker for the search of Long Lived Particles and Imaging tool for Archeological Applications
We shall present the development of a novel extruded plastic bar scintillator (ESB) particle detector with fast timing a...