Parallel Programs

Please view our parallel programs:

Title Program time Event Location Session Chair
High Energy - Theory and Phenomenology 14:15-16:00 Eng. 244 Amit Sever
High Energy Physics 14:00-15:30 Melamed (6) Halina Abramowicz
Applied Physics 15:30-17:00 Ullmann building (303) Zvi Rosenstock
High Energy - Theory 16:15-18:00 Eng. 244 Amit Sever
Astrophysics (observational) 90/227 Dovi Poznanski
Astrophysics (observational) Quantum Test
Topological Superconductivity and Majorana Modes Dach Auditorium Netanel Lindner
Applied Physics 14:00-15:30 Ulman 303 Chen Dubi
Applied Physics 14:00-15:30 Andreas Room - Lopatie Avi Zadok
Astrophysics 14:00-15:30 Sprinzak 215 Hagai Perets
High Energy (theory) 90/224 Tomer Volansky
High Energy (theory) Tomer Volansky
Topological Electronic Phases Orenstein 111
Astrophysics 14:00-15:30 Ulman 309 Hagai Perets
Astrophysics (observational) 14:00-15:30 Kimmel Hall - Lopatie Ari Laor
Astrophysics - Observational 14:15-16:00 Eng. 329 Hagai Perets
Atomic, Molecular and Optical 14:00-15:30 Sprinzak 115 Yaron Bromberg
High Energy - Nuclear Physics A 90/226 Alexander Milov
High Energy - Nuclear Physics A 90/226 Alexander Milov
Photonics and Optics Melamed Auditorium Avi Zadok
Atoms and molecules 14:00-15:30 Schmidt Auditorium Ephraim Shahmoon
High Energy (Phenomenology + experiment) A 14:00-15:30 Sprinzak 116 Shikma Bressler
High Energy (theory) 14:00-15:30 Ulman 301 Shlomo Razamat
Nano Physics Orenstein 110 Michael Mrejen
Nuclear Physics 14:15-16:00 Eng. 249 Ron Guy
Quantum information 90/234 Hagai Eisenberg
Quantum information 90/234 Hagai Eisenberg
Astronomy and Astrophysics I 14:00-15:30 Dach (5) Ehud Nakar
Energy materials: structure, function and applications 14:00-15:30 Zacks Hall - Stone Building Omer Yaffe
High Energy (Theory and experiment) 14:00-15:30 Ulman 305 Shikma Bressler