2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Presenter | Institute | Title | Submission category |
Bella Ilkanaiv [1] Gil Ariel [2] |
Zuckerberg InstituteIns... |
The impact of cell aspect ratio on bacterial swarming | Complex systems (Bio, Nonlinear dynamics, Fluids) |
Nava Leibovich | Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan, Ramat-Gan, Israel | Aging Wiener-Khinchin Theorem | Statistical Mechanics |
David Yanuka [1] Maxim Kozlov [2] |
Technion, Haifa, Israel... |
Convergence of shock waves generated by underwater electrical explosion of cylindrical wire arrays between different boundary geometries | Complex systems (Bio, Nonlinear dynamics, Fluids) |
Tomer Markovich [1] David Andelman [1] |
Raymond and Beverly Sac... |
Charge regulation: a generalized boundary condition? | Statistical Mechanics |
Pavel Tikhonov [1] Efrat Shimshoni [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Emergence of helical edge conduction in graphene at the ν=0 quantum Hall state | Condensed Matter |
Yiftach Frenkel [1] Noam Haham [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Imaging and quantifying the effect of STO domains on transport in LAO/STO interfaces | Condensed Matter |
Yulia Sokolov Haim Diamant |
Tel Aviv University | Inflation and deflation of driven colloidal rings | Complex systems (Bio, Nonlinear dynamics, Fluids) |
Mordecai Kot Moshe Goldstein |
Tel Aviv University | Hall Viscosity in Solid State Systems | Condensed Matter |
Daniel Dribin | Racah Institute of Physics The Hebrew University of Jerusale... | Building a Positron Annihilation spectroscopy using a DRS4 digitizer | Quantum Physics |
Michael M. Danziger Sebastian M. Krause |
Department of Physics,... |
Secure communication on networks with no trusted nodes using color avoiding percolation | Complex systems (Bio, Nonlinear dynamics, Fluids) |
Maayan Shalom Yael Roichman |
Tel Aviv University | The effect of adsorption on the microrheology ofnanoparticles/hydrogel composites | Statistical Mechanics |
Elhanan Maguid, Igor Yulevich, Nir Shitrit, Dekel Veksler, Vladimir Kleiner, Erez Hasman | Micro and Nanooptics Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engin... | Optical spin Hall effect in quasicrystal metasurface | Condensed Matter |
Omri J. Sharon Noam Haham |
Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan University | Fluxoids configurations in finite superconducting networks | Condensed Matter |
Daniel Louzon [1,2] Thomas Unden [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Quantum metrology enhanced by repetitive quantum error correction | Quantum Physics |
Ben Ohayon Guy Ron |
Racah Institute of physics | An efficient atom-trap setup for beta-decay studies | Quantum Physics |
Yaakov Shaked Rafi Z. Vered |
Department of physics and BINA Center of nano-technology, Ba... | Lifting the Bandwidth Limit of Optical Homodyne Measurement | Quantum Physics |
Yochai Werman Erez Berg |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Resistivity saturation in a tractable electron-phonon model | Condensed Matter |
Tony Yamin Yakov M. Strelniker |
Department of Physics and Bar-Ilan Institute of Nanotechnolo... | High Resolution Hall Measurement across the Phase Separated Metal-Insulator Transition in VO2 Reveals Non-Trivial Relation to Carrier Density | Condensed Matter |
Chen Avinadav [1,2] Dimitry Yankelev [1,2] |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Trapped atom interferometry using Bloch oscillations in optical lattices | Quantum Physics |
Maria Nihamkin Jonathan Toker |
Bar Ilan University | The Bar Ilan Action Spectrometer | Complex systems (Bio, Nonlinear dynamics, Fluids) |
Simcha Korenblit [1] Ydan Bendor [1] |
The Hebrew University o... |
Quantum Walks in a Globally Connected Superconducting Network | Quantum Physics |
Yossi Rosenzweig Yechezkel Schlussel |
Department of Physics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev | “Doppler-free” type pump-probe spectroscopy in diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers | Quantum Physics |
Anna Kremen [1] Shai Wissberg [1] |
Bar-Ilan University, Department of Physics and Institute of... | Mechanical control of individual superconducting vortices | Condensed Matter |
Gil Atar [1,2] Idan Casif [2] |
Applied Physics Divisio... |
Near-Single-Mode Operation of Highly-Multimode Waveguides Imposed by Sidewall Roughness Scattering | Applied Physics |
Omer Amit [1] David Groswasser [1] |
Ben-Gurion University... |
Ultracold-Rb Atomic Clock | Applied Physics |
I. C. Fulga [1] D. I. Pikulin [2] |
Department of Condensed... |
Aperiodic weak topological superconductors | Condensed Matter |
Shai Wissberg [1,2] Eylon Persky [1,2] |
Physics Department, Bar... |
Probing complex oxide interfaces with scanning SQUID microscopy | Condensed Matter |
Parry Y. Chen [1] Jacob Ben-Yakar [1] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Reinterpreting the magnetoelectric coupling of infinite cylinders using symmetry: a simple TM/TE view | Quantum Physics |
Dolev Roitman Itay Kishon |
School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Israel | High Intensity Laser Irradiation of Solid Targets at a High Repetition Rate | Complex systems (Bio, Nonlinear dynamics, Fluids) |
Raz Halifa- Levi [1] Yacov Kantor [1] |
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy,... | Ideal polymers: equilibrium properties from non-equilibrium processes | Statistical Mechanics |
Itzhack Dana | Minerva Center and Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan Universit... | Topological Properties of Adiabatically Varied Floquet Systems and Coupled Chains | Condensed Matter |
Arbel Haim [1] Erez Berg [1] |
Department of Condensed... |
Current Correlations in a Majorana Beam Splitter | Condensed Matter |
Raul A. Santos [1,2] Dmitri Gutman [2] |
Department of Condensed... |
Stability of interacting helical modes in a time reversal topological insulator. | Condensed Matter |
Moran Netser Noa Feldman |
Tel Aviv University | Search for Pairs of Long-Lived Particles at BaBar | High Energy Physics |
Moti Fridman |
Faculty of Engineering,... |
Radial and azimuthal polarizations induced by long period fiber grating | Applied Physics |
Shmuel Sternklar Moshe Ben-Ayun |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel U... | Fundamental limits of phase-shift measurement: Comparing optical interferometry to a new technique based on RF phase-shift amplification | Quantum Physics |
Elyashiv Shacham Igor Liokomovich |
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel U... | Brillouin single-sideband amplification of OTDR signals for high sensitivity strain and vibration sensing | Applied Physics |
Denis Golosov | Bar-Ilan University | Stoner-like theory of Magnetism in Silicon MOSFETs | Condensed Matter |
Yuval Shagam [1] Ayelet Klein [1] |
Department of Chemical... |
Probing long-range forces of a molecular quantum rotor in cold reactions | Quantum Physics |
Zehavit Eizig [1] Dan Thomas Major [2] |
The Biophysical Interdi... |
Spectroscopic Aspects of the Cationic Dye Basic Orange 21 | Complex systems (Bio, Nonlinear dynamics, Fluids) |
Meytal Duer Eli Piasetzky |
School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University | Study of Short Range Correlations via the A(e,e'n) reaction using CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory | Quantum Physics |
D. Izraeli [1] M. Durante [2] |
Tel-Aviv University, Is... |
Ion Therapy | Quantum Physics |
Israel Weinberger [1] Nir Barnea [1 |
The Hebrew University | Removing Center of Mass Effects from Calculated Response Functions | Quantum Physics |
Nir Nevo Dinur [1] Chen Ji [2] |
The Hebrew University o... |
Understanding the proton radius puzzle: Nuclear structure effects in light muonic atoms | Quantum Physics |
Lerner Eitan [1] Chung Sangyoon [1] |
Dept. of Chemistry... |
Pausing in Escherichia Coli transcription initiation | Complex systems (Bio, Nonlinear dynamics, Fluids) |
Chen Bar Haim Haim Diamant |
Tel Aviv University | Velocity Pair Correlations in a Suspension Confined Between two Elastic Surfaces | Complex systems (Bio, Nonlinear dynamics, Fluids) |
Atindra Nath Pal Arindam Ghosh |
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalor... | 1/f noise as a probe to investigate the band structure of graphene | Condensed Matter |
Atindra Nath Pal Fabrizio Nichele |
Solid State Physics Laboratory, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Swi... | Electronic transport in InAs/GaSb composite quantum well: A possible candidate for 2D topological insulator | Condensed Matter |
M. Ya. Amusia [1,2] L. V. Chernysheva [2] |
The Racah Institute of... |
The role of fullerene shell upon stuffed atom polarization potential | Condensed Matter |
M. Ya. Amusia | Racah Institute of Physics, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem... | Light generation in collisions of atoms with a linear chain of fullerenes | Condensed Matter |
T. Yelin [1] R. Korytar [2] |
Chemical Physics, Weizm... |
The Upper Limit of Conductance across a Single Molecule | Quantum Physics |