2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
2020 IPS Conference
Study Materials
Corporate Members
Presenter | Institute | Title | Submission category |
Admon [1], Tamir Saar Rahav [2] Yael Roichman [1] |
Tel Aviv University... |
Information Machine | Soft Matter, Biophysics and Nonlinear Physics |
Aghion, Erez Shlomi Medalion Hagai Merirovich |
Bar-Ilan university | Size distribution of ring polymers | Statistical and Non-equilibrium Physics |
Agireen, Isabel P. K. Rout E. Maniv |
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy,... | Anisotropic magnetoresistance in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (111) interface | Condensed Matter |
Alfasi, Nir Sergei Masis Oleg Shtempeluk |
Andrew and Erna Viterbi Department of Electrical Engineering... | Diamond Magnetometry of Meissner Currents in a Superconducting Film | Condensed Matter |
Aloni, Ben Ben Aloni |
Physics Department, Bar-Ilan | Integrated spatial-temporal methods for studying the effect of lamin A protein on genome organization | Soft Matter, Biophysics and Nonlinear Physics |
Amit, Guy Itzhack Dana |
Minerva Center and Department of Physics, Bar-Ilan Universit... | Topological Properties of Adiabatically Varied Nonintegrable Systems | Condensed Matter |
Amusia [1, 2], Miron Ya E. G. Drukarev [3] L. V. Chernysheva [2] |
The Racah Institute of... |
Role of atomic electron excitations in detection of the neutrinoless β-decay | Nuclear Physics |
Amusia [1, 2], Miron Ya. V. R. Shaginyan [3] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
New State of Matter Emerging in Strongly Correlated Fermi Systems | Condensed Matter |
Amusia [1, 2], Miron Ya. V. K. Dolmatov [3] L. V. Chernysheva [2] |
The Racah Institute of... |
The effects of target polarization in elastic scattering of electrons by endohedral A@C60 | AMO and Cold Atoms |
Ariad, Daniel Eytan Grosfeld |
Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, B... | Flux-induced persistent motion of Josephson vortices in annular Josephson junctions of topological superconductors | Condensed Matter |
Avinadav [1,2], Chen Dimitry Yankelev [1,2] Nir Davidson [1] |
Department of Physics o... |
Proposal for Contrast-Based Measurements of Gravity Gradient in Atom Interferometers | AMO and Cold Atoms |
Bairey, Eyal Netanel H. Lindner |
Department of Physics, Technion—Israel Institute of Technolo... | Inducing many-body localization with a periodic drive | Condensed Matter |
Baranovskiy, Andrei Yaron Amouyal |
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Technion -... | Phonon spectra and thermal conductivity of CaMnO3 based thermoelectric oxides | Condensed Matter |
Beilis, Isak I. Yosef Koulik Raymond L. Boxman |
Electrical Discharge and Plasma Laboratory, School of Electr... | Anode Temperature Measurement in a Vacuum Arc with a Black Body Electrode Assembly | Plasma and Fluids |
Ben Ishai , Paul |
The Hebrew University o... |
Ultra-confinement: The Mysteries of Ancient Water Imprisoned in Sub-Nano Channels in Natural Minerals | Soft Matter, Biophysics and Nonlinear Physics |
Cao, Tingting |
Tel Aviv University | The SM Higgs searching in the H->cc decay channel | HEP |
Cohen, Dan Guy Ron |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | The HUJI Straw Tube Tracker for the MUSE Experiment | Nuclear Physics |
Cohen, Itamar Itamar Cohen Dolev Roitman |
Tel Aviv University, School of Physics and Astronomy | Automated Laser Alignment System for High Intensity Laser Experiments | Plasma and Fluids |
Cohen, Roie Moshe Goldstein |
Tel Aviv University | Hall viscosity effect on edge magneto-plasmons in 2D electron fluid | Condensed Matter |
Devi, Moon Moon Ran Budnik |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Identification of cosmic ray primaries using the longitudinal muon profile of EAS | HEP |
Dvir, Tom Tom Dvir [1] Freek Masse [2] |
The Hebrew University o... |
Hard gap tunneling in van-der-Waals tunnel junctions | Condensed Matter |
Farhi, Asaf Bipin Singh |
Tel Aviv University | Calculation of molecular free energies in classical potentials | Condensed Matter |
Farhi, Asaf David J. Bergman |
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy,... | Eigenfunction based calculation of the electric field generated by oscillating currents in a two general constituents composite medium | Photonics and Optics |
Flom, Ofir Asher Yahalom Hagai Zilberberg |
Ariel University | Quantum Mechanics in a Double Potential Well: Log-Analytic Uncertainty Relations | AMO and Cold Atoms |
Golan, Omri Ady Stern |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Gravitational responses and anomalies in the p-wave superconductor | Condensed Matter |
Gulinski, Nadav Erez Ribak Nadav Gulinski |
Technion | Capture of free-oating planets by stellar systems | Astro |
Hachmo, Ori Nadav Katz |
Hebrew University | Superconducting Tungsten Silicide Thin Film – High Kinetic Inductance Material | Condensed Matter |
Hen [1], Bar Eran Greenberg [1] Samar Layek [1] |
Raymond and Beverly Sac... |
Superconductivity in GeSb2Te4 at elevated pressure | Condensed Matter |
Horwitz [1], Lawrence Asher Yahalom [2] Jacob Levitan [2] |
Tel Aviv University... |
An Underlying Geometrical Manifold for Hamiltonian Mechanics | Statistical and Non-equilibrium Physics |
Izraeli, David |
Tel Aviv University... |
Polarization-transfer universality in quasi-elastic scattering | Nuclear Physics |
Kastin [1], Nir Ehud Meron [1,2] Shai Kinast [3] |
Physics Department, Ben... |
Xenon Induced Spatial Oscillations – A pattern formation approach | Statistical and Non-equilibrium Physics |
Katz-Saporta, Ori Efi Efrati |
Weizmann Institute of Science | Rotational diffusion of a molecular cat | Statistical and Non-equilibrium Physics |
Keren-Zur, Shay Tal Ellenbogen |
Department of Physical Electronics, Fleischman Faculty of En... | Numerical Studies of Sum-Frequency-Generation in Split-Ring-Resonators | Photonics and Optics |
Kleeorin, Yaakov |
Ben Guryon University | Large Tunable Thermophase in SC-QD-SC Josephson Junctions | Condensed Matter |
Kolumbus [1], Yoav Hadar Steinberg [1] Natalie Fardian-Melamed [2] |
Racah Institute of Phys... |
Crystallographic Orientation of Mechanically Cleaved Graphite | Condensed Matter |
Kornreich, Micha Eti Malka-Gibor Ben Zuker |
Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy,... | Cellular shock absorbers: compression response arising from disordered proteins | Soft Matter, Biophysics and Nonlinear Physics |
Kumar, Pramod Irina Marin Irena Bronshtein-Berger |
Bar Ilan University... |
Giant Pathological Spectral Imaging system for Cancer Detection from H&E Slides | Photonics and Optics |
Leviatan, Eyal Ehud Altman Frank Pollman |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Simulating the Long Time Quantum Dynamics of a Many-body System | Condensed Matter |
Libster-Hershko, Ana Roy Shiloh Shlomi Litman |
Tel Aviv University | Shaping plasmonic beams using curved surface optical elements | Photonics and Optics |
Lobachinsky, Lilya Lilya Lobachinsky Liran Hareli |
Department of Physical Electronics, Tel-Aviv University | On the fly tunable control of high harmonic generation using a structured pump beam | Photonics and Optics |
Maaravi, Tal Itai Leven Ido Azuri |
Tel Aviv University | Interlayer Potential for Graphene/h-BN Heterostructures | Material Physics |
Manna [1], Arun K. Sivan Refaely-Abramson [1,2] Anthony M. Reilly [3] |
Department of Materials... |
Quantitative prediction of optical absorption in molecular solids using an optimally tuned screened range-separated hybrid functional | Condensed Matter |
Messica, Yonatan Adi Laser-Azogui [1] Tova Volberg [2] |
Tel Aviv University, Is... |
Escaping the crowd - Vimentin expression role in mediating cell motility at dense cultures | Soft Matter, Biophysics and Nonlinear Physics |
Oğuz, Erdal C. |
School of Mechanical Engineering and The Sackler Center for... | Hyperuniformity of Quasicrystals | Statistical and Non-equilibrium Physics |
Peniakov, Giora |
Giora Peniakov ... |
Magneto-optical study of semiconductor quantum dots | Quantum Information and Quantum Optics |
Pimenov [1], Dimitri Jan von Delft [1] Leonid Glazman [2] |
LMU Munich ... |
Fermi-edge exciton-polaritons in doped semiconductor microcavities with finite hole mass | Condensed Matter |
Pollack [1], Yoav G. Yoav G. Pollack [1] Itamar Procaccia [1] |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Force-Laws in Amorphous Solids and Emergent Many-body Interactions | Statistical and Non-equilibrium Physics |
Pozin, Irina |
Tel Aviv University... |
Metal insulator transition in phase change material material Ge1Sb2Te4 | Condensed Matter |
Rajak, Atanu Amit Dutta [2], Tanay Nag [2] |
Saha Institute of Nucle... |
Dynamics of a Majorana edge state in a p-wave superconducting chain | Condensed Matter |
Remez, Benjamin Moshe Goldstein |
Tel Aviv University | The Self-Consistent Expansion: From Divergent Perturbation Theory To Exponential Convergence | Statistical and Non-equilibrium Physics |
Ron, Jonathan Itai pinkoviezky Aviram Gelblum |
Weizmann Institute, dep... |
Statistical model of collective transport by ants: facing an obstacle | Soft Matter, Biophysics and Nonlinear Physics |
Schidorsky, Shachar Shachar Schidorsky [2] Xiyu Yi [1] |
Department of Chemistry... |
Using temporal correlations of fluorescence intensity to improve single molecule localization microscopy | Photonics and Optics |
Schiller, Amit Amit Schiller Hadar Steinberg |
Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem | Topological Phase Shift in Microwave Waveguide Metamaterials | Condensed Matter |
Shachar, Afik Nitzan Mayorkas Hanan Sachs |
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | The conformational landscape of 2-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-ethylamine: Consequences of fluorine substitution at the para position | Photonics and Optics |
Shaked Renous, Dan Arindam Roy Luca Moleri |
Astrophysics & Part... |
Progress with RPWELL particle and UV-photon detectors | HEP |
Shushi [1], Tomer Yakir Aharonov [2] Eliahu Cohen [3] |
Department of Physics,... |
Is the Quilted Multiverse Consistent with a Thermodynamic Arrow of Time? | Astro |
Singh, Vijay Susanta Das David Keller |
Department of Chemistry, Bar–Ilan University, Ramat-Gan 5290... | Tailoring the Electronic Structure of Te/Y-doped NbBiO4 using Oxygen-vacancy for All-oxide PV Application: A Theoretical and Experimental Study | Condensed Matter |
Singh [1], Brijesh Kumar Harel Nagar [2] Yael Roichman [2] |
School of Electrical En... |
Unprecedented localization of particles using structured super-oscillating light beams | Photonics and Optics |
Sokolov, Yulia Haim Diamant |
Tel Aviv University | Permeability of the embedded protein compartments in membranes | Soft Matter, Biophysics and Nonlinear Physics |
Stollberg, Christine E. Kroupp [1] D. Mikitchuk [1] |
Weizmann Institute of S... |
Boosting Laser electron acceleration with a tiny plasma channel | Plasma and Fluids |
Tayar [1], Alexandra M. Roy H. Bar-Ziv [1] Vincent Noireux [2] |
Weizmann institute of s... |
A quorum of coupled artificial cells on a chip | Soft Matter, Biophysics and Nonlinear Physics |
Trajtenberg Mills, Sivan Noa Voloch-Bloch [2] Hagai Eisenberg [2] |
Tel-Aviv University... |
Simulating spatial distribution of spontaneously down converted photon pairs in nonlinear crystals | Quantum Information and Quantum Optics |
Tsindlekht[1], Menachem Valery Genkin [1] Israel Felner [1] |
[The Racah Institute of... |
Dynamics of magnetic flux penetration into thin-walled cylinders | Condensed Matter |
Vivante, Anat Irena Bronshtein Yuval Garini |
Physics Department & Nanotechnology Institute, Bar Ilan... | The effect of nuclear structural proteins on chromatin dynamics - measured by advanced live imaging methods | Soft Matter, Biophysics and Nonlinear Physics |
Wagman, Michal Larry Horwitz* |
Ariel University ... |
Cartan Topology for the Galaxies | Astro |
Yamamoto [1,2], Kaoru Kaoru Yamamoto [1,2] Ora Entin-Wohlman [2,3] |
Department of Physics,... |
Efficiency bounds on thermoelectric transport in magnetic fields: the role of inelastic processes | Nano Physics |
Yannai [1], Michael Elhanan Maguid [1] Igor Yulevich [1] |
Micro and Nanooptics La... |
Shared-aperture dielectric nanoantenna Pancharatnam-Berry phased array | Photonics and Optics |
Yavilberg [1], Konstantin Eran Ginossar [2] Eytan Grosfeld [1] |
Department of Physics,... |
Fermion parity measurement and control in Majorana circuit quantum electrodynamics | Condensed Matter |
Zilber, Pini Pini Zilber Yehuda Pilnyak |
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusal... | Quantum Tomography of Photon States Encoded in Polarization and Time | Quantum Information and Quantum Optics |